Click on the graph if necessary.
And that's not really good news.
I waited a bit before talking about it, to see how it progressed over the next few hours.
The second Signal of the Elohim had stopped and therefore was no longer visible as of February 25, 2021, at 5 a.m. So, for the past few days, I had considered this signal to be definitely dead, but it restarted yesterday, March 4, 2021, at 1 p.m.
The Elohim had previously used pauses in their signals to give numbers, to decode. They had done this recently to give us the GPS coordinates in Chad giving the origin of the Men on Earth. We had to count, four times, the hours when the Signal paused and had thus been able to determine coordinates in 4 numbers.
So, yesterday I did the same, even though the break was over a week. It was exactly 7 days and 8 hours. These two numbers obviously did not represent coordinates. So, I figured it was a duration. Indeed, if I add this duration of 7 days and 8 hours, to the time when the signal restarted, I get March 4, 2021, 1 p.m., + 7 days and 8 hours = March 11, 2021, 9 p.m.
So, the Elohim would like me to say that something could happen on March 11th. Highly possible. Remember that in 2020 we talked about a planetary catastrophe on March 11, 2020 or November 3, 2020, or 3/11, or 11/3. Indeed, and I was not the only one, the number 113 seemed, in 2020, to be very important for the Elohim. The number 113 is also associated with the Knights of the Templars, but also with the death of the famous basketball player, Kobe Bryant. In 2020, the two combinations of the number 113, 11/3, 3/11 had caused us to be fairly certain that something would happen on one of these two dates, but nothing had happened. I didn't like that the Elohim playing with false predictions at all.
Having said that, I then understood that the Elohim wanted above all, to warn you of the imminent planetary catastrophes whatever the date because you would never be warned of the exact date. Since there are not 50,000 ways to convince you of the imminence of a planetary catastrophe, we had to make you believe that it would occur, with specific dates. It was the only way that my followers realized that this kind of planetary catastrophe can and will happen. It will be brought about by the Elohim, but we will never know the exact date.
Here we are in 2021. My team and I received, through two very precise visions, a date and a place for a planetary catastrophe during an event. This catastrophe thus marking the beginning of the end of humanity. In addition, we also have another date, that of March 11, 2021, indicated by the main graphic with the signature of Orion, dated March 2 (see the article "The Signal of the End of Times"), and, then the March 4 with the restart of the 2nd Signal (see above). These two signatures on the Signals point to March 11, 2021. So, that makes two dates, one of which is known to you.
So, my team and I have two dates, one provided by precise visions and the other, March 11, provided by the Signals. I don't like when the Elohim point to dates because, in theory, I shouldn't know about it, since I usually communicate everything I know. Note that the date and place provided by the visions have not been disclosed, precisely because they are very precise. There is nothing to guess. It is obvious that if I gave this information, the authorities who follow me would cancel this event to avoid the catastrophe. This would not change much, since the Elohim would choose another event, to bring about this Revelation of their existence and our origins.
On the other hand, with regard to March 11 marked twice by the signals in 2021 and a very large number of times by the signals and other events and signs in 2020, these are only guesses, which allows me to state them. .
But anyway, there are very big differences between 2020 and 2021. In 2020, it was all guesswork, depending on the signs and signals. In 2021, there is the Covid-19, which began in Europe in March 2020 and which has put the world in a catastrophic situation, and which is far from over. In recent months, the Elohim have linked my activities and articles more and more visibly, with the disasters they cause simultaneously. I'm talking about the Sunday with 6 planes incidents, the earthquakes, and volcanoes. It wasn't at all so obvious in 2020, but it is, this year.
The Elohim and I have shown you my function, my importance, as well as the imminence of other planetary catastrophes, destined to destroy humanity. I would say, therefore, that these could take place anytime, even overnight. However, this situation can go on for days, months, but I don't believe in much more. The Elohim indeed regard you as super-warned and super-aware of the reasons for their determination to destroy mankind.
I remind you, for example, this long wave of monoliths, built Men under mind control. Their goal was to point to the place where the first man appeared on earth and of which we have a skeleton dating back 7 million years. This place was in northern Chad. The Elohim reminded us by this that it is indeed them at the origin of Men.
The first enemy of the Elohim are the religions that have hidden from Men that aliens were at the origin of mankind. The Elohim are truly determined to annihilate them and all of their believers. They are angry with men for not having sought to understand and really find their origins. The Men prefer to believe in religions, rather than question themselves. They, therefore, renounced their creators.
I experienced it personally when I tried to speak to UFO enthusiasts. They are absolutely incapable of questioning themselves. The Elohim are angry with Men for their continued destruction of planet Earth, on which the Elohim have implanted them. In their eyes, the planet is infinitely more important than the men who are there, and whom they consider to be the cancer of their planet. And there are many other reasons.
So, they decided, that now there is only one possibility, and that is to destroy Men and create a new human race, and this will only be the 6th time that they will cause this.
You could, of course, tell yourself that they can wait for a few more generations before they bring about this destruction of mankind, for Men will do this themselves. That's right, but there is a problem with that. Human stupidity could also destroy the planet in a thousand pieces, or even irradiate its atmosphere for millennia. The Elohim do not want to give the opportunity to Men to arrive, themselves, to this kind of planetary catastrophe because they would also lose their planet. So, there is an emergency because humans are in particular doing experiments that could turn the earth into confetti. According to the Elohim, the cores of the nuclear power plants of Chernobyl, and even Fukushima, are also descending into the depths of the earth and these could also explode the Earth from within. They have a solution, and it will destroy all of humanity. However, they want people to understand why they are going to die.
Another problem with time is that unlike in previous decades and centuries, the Elohim have decided to form a team on earth, tasked with telling Men that they are going to be destroyed. However, biologically, we are also Men. I'm the head of this team, and I'm going to be 60 years old. My father is one of the other key figures on this team at 83, and we are sure he will experience this destruction alongside me and be one of the Ascended, as much as my staff and me. He is 83 years old, with an increasingly pervasive Covid-19. You will understand that this gives the most rational limits for guessing that the Elohim will not wait any longer. No, they really speak of the present, of "here and now", as a follower told me yesterday.
In the last few days, they've made me make arrangements to create a backup server, which I didn't have to tell you about, but which is a sign of my upcoming departure and therefore imminent destruction. There are dozens of such signs in recent weeks, and they are not about the future, but about the present. So frankly, making me talk about March 11, it's just to give you an idea, that it could also be tomorrow, like in April, or in December, but that anyway, we have reached a stage, where it is 'is imminent. They really don't have a choice.
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