MY PARANORMAL SITUATION WITH ALIENS! How I become the Messenger of Aliens, the Elohim. This is a letter, that I just sent to some paranormal experts For some years, I'm in a very special paranormal situation, and I fear that you don't take seriously my story. I'm a Belgian man, 58 years old, living in the Philippines, for 5 years. On the web, I'm known as Marc Delantre. I did not search to be known on the web, but I have, from 2018, a YouTube channel with one million views and each of my article is read by about 2000 followers. However, I don't like that kind of followers because most of them don't really understand what I'm telling them, and from who these articles are really coming from. My paranormal story began at my birth, but one of the most important events in my life was in December 2016. I'm a web/IT programmer from always and I have my personal Internet server where I was hosting some websites for my customers. In December 2016, I receiv...