They say to me that I am the Antichrist, the Dajjal
[ Home ] [ Ce post en français] THEY SAY TO ME THAT I'M THE ANTICHRIST, THE DAJJAL! I have been describing Gladio's activities for years. However, it was I who gave it that name. In reality, it was Gladio who wanted me to call them like that, in reference to an old secret organization, dependent on NATO and specialized in false flag terrorist operations in the 1980s. However, this Gladio informs me in a unique way in the world, of their activities since the first terror attacks of 2015, to natural, climatic and biological disasters (Coronavirus) today. This Gladio, finally described itself to me, as being Satan, the army of God, from Elohim in Hebrew. They added that they had the order to cause the end of our civilization ( Apocalypse ), and the death of at least 50% of the terrestrial population, within five years from the fire of Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral. However, I see that I have been in contact with Gladio, alias Satan, since my birth. I have ...