
Affichage des articles du février 17, 2020

They say to me that I am the Antichrist, the Dajjal

[ Home ]  [ Ce post en français] THEY SAY TO ME THAT I'M THE ANTICHRIST, THE DAJJAL!  I have been describing Gladio's activities for years. However, it was I who gave it that name. In reality, it was Gladio who wanted me to call them like that, in reference to an old secret organization, dependent on NATO and specialized in false flag terrorist operations in the 1980s. However, this Gladio informs me in a unique way in the world, of their activities since the first terror attacks of 2015, to natural, climatic and biological disasters (Coronavirus) today. This Gladio, finally described itself to me, as being Satan, the army of God, from Elohim in Hebrew. They added that they had the order to cause the end of our civilization ( Apocalypse ), and the death of at least 50% of the terrestrial population, within five years from the fire of Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral. However, I see that I have been in contact with Gladio, alias Satan, since my birth. I have ...

Satan / Gladio controls the work and sleep of the Antichrist

[ Home ]  [ Ce post en français] Satan/Gladio controls the work and sleep of the Antichrist It seems important to me to remind you that I am permanently under the control of Gladio, alias Satan. This is all the more true since I approached the question of the Antichrist on these pages, the Signal of Gladio has climbed to its maximum value. The first jump (1) took place on February 12 at 3 p.m ., when I understood that my whole life had been organized since my birth by Gladio / Satan, in order to bring me to the current situation, the one of Antichrist. This signal increase is explained in the article " They say to me that I am the Antichrist ". The second jump (2) took place on February 14 , while I was preparing this same article. The third jump (3) took place today, when I had just finished the English version of the article " Antichrist - The Wrath of God - My function ". As a result, Gladio's main signal, which is also the one of Satan...

Satan/Gladio contrôle le travail et le sommeil de l'Antéchrist

[ Accueil ]  [ This post in English ] Satan/Gladio contrôle le travail et le sommeil de l'Antéchrist Il me semble important de rappeler que je suis en permanence sous le contrôle de Gladio, alias Satan. C'est d'autant plus vrai que depuis que j'ai abordé la question de l'Antéchrist sur ces pages, le Signal de Gladio a grimpé jusqu'à sa valeur maximum. Le premier saut (1) eu lieu, le 12 février à 15h , lorsque j'ai compris que l'ensemble de ma vie fut organisé depuis ma naissance par Gladio / Satan, afin de m'amener à la situation actuelle, celle de l'Antéchrist. Cette hausse de signal est expliquée dans l'article " Ils me disent que je suis l'Antéchrist ". Le second saut (2) eu lieu, le 14 février , alors que je préparais ce même article. Le troisième saut (3) eu lieu aujourd'hui, alors que je venais de terminer la version anglaise de l'article " Antéchrist - La Colère de Dieu - Ma fonction ...

The Antichrist - The Wrath of God - My Function

[ Home ]  [ Ce post en français ] The Antichrist - The Wrath of God - My function This article follows the previous one " They say to me that I am the Antichrist! ". This one explains how Gladio / Satan convinced me that I was the Antichrist and why. Here is a summary. The profile of The Antichrist or Dajjal in Arabic, is described in the three monotheistic religions. They at least agree on that. However, Gladio made sure that these descriptions correspond to my profile, which Muslims and Christians already confirm to me. Among these descriptions, there is the fact that I have an eye that does not see (The One-eyed in the predictions), that I live "chained" on an island (that's right, Palawan in Asia), that I warned of the end of the world, that I started this mission, with a prostitute as a wife, etc. Everything is there, and obviously, it already shocks some of my followers, some of whom are starting to be afraid. One cannot speak freely t...