6 CRASHES & MAJOR AERIAL INCIDENTS When the Targeted Individuals don’t believe me!! I’m mad at you Humans who don’t believe me. Some apparently have nuts instead of the brain. I spent my precious time on a group of "Targeted Individuals" and these people succeeded, by their reaction to provoke 6 major aerial incidents, including 3 crashes in 24 hours !! 5 of them in 5 hours only. I had warned them, but to warn a human is to warn a sandbank in the desert. What are Targeted Individuals? There are tens of thousands of people around the world who are tortured by the Elohim, but who absolutely want to blame governments! What are these tortures? These are visions and voices in their brain, burns on their skin, marks, etc. Obviously, those who follow me know that my collaborators and I live this every day. However, there is a very big difference between them and us. They are tortured by these phenomena, while us, it is part of our communication with the Elohim, but the ...