September 11, 2019 Presentation of my book
TO ALL TI's and TO EVERYBODY. ----- Here is the English version of the presentation of my book, and sorry for my accent ! I just published a book The Gladio Code on Amazon, 800 pages. Gladio, is the army of GOD, the former Knight Templars, and they are NOT TERRESTRIAL. They answer to SATAN who works for GOD. I belong to Gladio, since I'm officially, their Messenger. Please read my book. I confirm that MIND CONTROL is not terrestrial, and they use our pineal gland to control our mind and our bodies. They can switch any individual in a killer in a split second, and they are behind all terror attacks and massive shootings since January 2015, in the world. For now, they work for our gov's, and prepare the next. But Gladio, the army of GOD, is behind many other things, such like the DEW attacks, the direct energy weapons, and the climatic attacks since Man doesn't have these weapons at all. So, in practice, they are behind, the awakening of volcanoes, multiple ear...