First Frenchman dead from Coronavirus in Paris !!

First Frenchman dead from Coronavirus in Paris !! [ Home ] [ Cet article en français] Exactly at 2 p.m. yesterday, a follower started attacking me on Facebook. Gladio's Main Signal shows this beginning of electrical discussion. At 3:01 pm, I put an end to this conversation which annoys me. And this is what he tells me when I no longer answer him: He himself notices that Gladio did not like our conversation! At 4:53 p.m., I start a Facebook post. Gladio sees that I begin this post for which, I really think that I will write only a few lines to give my news. This is also the reason why I start it on Facebook and not on my blog. I have nothing to say ! But it's every time, like that. When I start a post, I never know where it will lead me. When I write, Gladio takes the control by infusing me with ideas, words, sentences, things they want to tell you. So I started this post with this computer topic, which concerned me, and when I had finished, Glad...