On February 22, 2021, at 22:21
, it cannot be invented, my collaborator Marie sends me an article telling me that she has found a small bomb. She "stumbled upon" a Reuters news article. Especially as far as we are concerned, there is no such thing as chance, especially as it is not really normal because the Reuters pages are dedicated to the newspapers which reproduce the content. They are therefore not supposed to have arrived at Google or Facebook. The article is in English, while Marie does not speak English at all.

This article is illustrated with a photo showing the construction shown in the banner above. This is found on the plain of Ur, Iraq, and represents the place where Abraham is said to have lived. This place would therefore represent the cradle of the three monotheistic religions known to humans; the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religions.

The article deals with a meeting there, near this monument, in the desert of Iraq, between Pope Francis, and representatives of several other religions, on March 6, 2021.

Marie immediately speaks to me of her discovery, but she does not speak to me of her vision. Because this is the first time that she has experienced this. She doesn’t even know it’s a vision. However, she told me, "I have a little BOMB", referring to the article.

On February 23, 2021, in the evening, it was while talking with Marie that I realized that she had a vision. I then became aware of the seriousness of his vision because the Elohim, until now, have always realized the visions sent to Mary Magdalene, my main collaborator.

I remind you that the Elohim are extraterrestrials at the origin of our humanity, therefore at the origin of men on earth. I have been its messenger since the fire in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, which they themselves set on fire with a weapon that Man does not have. This fire was to mark the beginning of the 4th Revelation. We will come back to this below. More info on the Elohim, here.

So, Marie explains her vision to me and I understand this. When Mary sees the image of this article on February 22, the Elohim sent her a vision, that is, awake, she receives images in her mind, which blind her for a few moments. This vision has three components. The first shows the Pope, in his seat, at this place, under the tent prepared for the meeting. The second part shows the arrival of an Elohim vessel on the monument. The Pope does not appear on this shutter since he is on the plain, nearby. This shutter is associated with the word "Revelation", but Marie presents it to me by "Boom!". The third part shows the Elect ascending to heaven.

In fact, as we analyze her vision, we fail to realize that Mary’s repeated use of the word "bomb" and "boom" was suggested to her by the Elohim, along with the vision.

I remind you that the strength of the Elohim is to have designed Men, so as to be able to control them at all levels. They attribute birth gifts, like they can send them inspiration, visions, voices, etc. They can read and write our minds or change our beliefs or aspirations without us even realizing it. They can control or provoke our actions and behaviors, especially in terrorism or sexual matters. In short, even if we don’t see it, they can use us like puppets. It is not constant. It depends on each individual and especially the circumstances. In any case, we do not notice it. My pages contain countless examples of mind control by the Elohim.

This control also extends to every cell in our body or viruses for example. They can give life, but also decide to take it back, in a fraction of a second. In my work and my everyday life, for example, I get multiple pricks in the hand, or in the feet or pinches in the heart and every action of this kind has a meaning: "This person is one of us", "this that you just wrote is good "," You haven’t seen an important information "," click and look "," get up, something is waiting for you on your computer "," get up, your companion wants to make love and that is forbidden to you ", etc. They also take care of my health. In 7 years, I haven’t had to see a single doctor, and I’m almost 60 years old. They also see everything you do throughout your life, and they record it for you to playback on Judgment Day. God, it’s them!

Mary and I, as well as my collaborators, are obviously intensely manipulated by the Elohim, to transmit the message they want. In fact, humanity knows this very well, about the prophets who, by definition, receive their words directly from God, in other words from the Elohim. This was the case with Jesus, for example. He also did not perform miracles, but the Elohim did it for him. It happened to me too. However, my colleagues and I too often tend to forget it. We think we act and write on our own, which is rarely the case.

So, from the vision received by Mary, I understand that the Elohim will show themselves in the presence of the Pope and that they will launch an attack and then the Elect will be taken up all over the planet.

The apparent purpose of this event, if it occurs, would be to show the anger of the Elohim on religions for their lies and at the same time to reveal their existence, and to restore the truth.

Indeed, for months, I have been writing relentlessly that the anger of the Elohim against religions comes from the fact that they have done everything for 2000 years to hide the real origin of men, the Elohim. The best example is that the original version of the Old Testament in Hebrew speaks well of the Elohim, even from the first line of Genesis, as being THE creator gods of mankind. However, the Jewish religion then prohibits the use of the word Elohim, and Christians will go so far as to change the name "Elohim", by God, to the singular, which now removed all relationship between Men and Elohim.

The Elohim then send a second vision to Mary. This shows that the media will suddenly speak and explain what the Elohim are to the populations. Marie, my collaborators, and I understand that what will happen on March 6 will be such that the media will be forced to tell the truth. This now also confirms the first vision.

In addition, the Elohim have since that day not ceased for a single moment to remind us of the departure of the Elect, in many ways, and through different contacts. It was becoming obvious. However, the more time passed, the more my doubt grew.

On March 5, 2021, at 10:27 p.m., I was contacted by another very important collaborator. Our relationship was no longer very frequent. However, just after the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris burned down, he was the first to explain to me what my mission will be in all details. He was also explaining to me how UFOs work, which he knows nothing about, but which I will use. The Elohim also urged him to help me financially up to his full salary, for I had nothing left at all, nor did I know that this was his full salary.

In my book, I call this collaborator, the Scholar because his teaching was multidisciplinary, and he seemed to know the three religions well. I did not yet have any knowledge of mind control at that time and did not realize that everything he was telling me came directly, and for the most part, from the Elohim. This is, moreover, a very good example of communication between the Elohim and me, and currently still repeated daily with other collaborators. They often write to me things they do not realize from the Elohim. It’s also a great way to make assume responsibility for words, by the others. Technically, it is not the Elohim, but the Scholar, and you will understand that it is the same with religions.

So on the evening of March 5, the Scholar sends me a message on Messenger, while our last contact was in January. Our exchange was not very long, but out of the ten messages he sent me, he wrote to me that it was no coincidence that he contacted me on the evening of March 5, when he did not know the vision for March 6th. He told me that I had to get ready to leave, to take my next job and that he will be very happy to meet me physically! I’m sawed off by this exchange, barely an hour and a half before March 6th, so this exchange had ended up convincing me that something is going to happen the next day.


On March 6, at 8 am
, we are all watching the Pope’s live broadcast on the plain of Ur. Marie confirms that the first part of her vision corresponds in every way to the live images. She clearly saw the Pope installed, in this armchair, under this tent. We are therefore waiting for the second part, with the ship above the monument, but nothing happens !!

Marie is therefore very disappointed, upset, and sad. She sends me dozens of icons in tears, of having been deceived. Nobody understands anything anymore. Marie-Madeleine had received about twenty visions of dramas in the previous months, all of which have been in the news a little later. In 2020, I also had two certainties about specific dates when nothing had happened. However, in this case, we had deduced these dates, from clues. There could be some misinterpretation. Here it was not possible. The vision of Mary had been clearer, even clearer than those usually received by Mary Magdalene and which were always realized.

I also felt that I was cheated and not that I was wrong. I was really angry, distraught, abused, and most of all, I didn’t understand. I turn then to the Scholar and for two hours I tell him, on Messenger, what I think of these Elohim who have abused me and whom I no longer believe. It has gone too far. I know from writing all my anger to the Scholar, that it is to the Elohim that I am addressing myself, for they read me as they go.

In fact, no, they are totally behind my anger, and they are guiding me to their goal. In many different ways they make me say the same thing; We are being manipulated. They make me tell who is being manipulated, how, why, etc. I yell at the Scholar, asking questions to which I immediately answer. So from question to answer, the Elohim gradually lead me to what I must finally understand.

The Elohim had insisted to Mary that March 6 would be the day of Revelation. She had understood this super well, but the only vessel above the monument had nothing very revealing in her vision. We also understood it to be an attack that would provoke the Revelation on March 6. We had it all wrong!

What does this famous and thousand-year-old building represent on the plain of Ur? It represents Abraham and the cradle of the three monotheistic religions of the planet. So, what does an extraterrestrial vessel represent above this building? What did the Elohim want to symbolize? They wanted to tell Mary and Me that they are hierarchically above the three religions, but also behind the three religions, but much more; They pushed men to create these religions, to hide their origin from men.

It is not the religions that lied to the Men by hiding their origin from them. No, it is the Elohim, who manipulated Men to create three religions that would erase all traces of their origin. The best proof can be found in the Christian religion:

The words "Apocalypse" and "Revelation" appear at the same time as the religion itself, but why create a religion which already foresees its end, which it calls the Apocalypse, synonymous with Revelation?

Revelation is the fact that a religion affirms that its Book, the Torah, the Bible, or the Koran, is the act of the direct word of God.

This is the very definition of the word "Revelation". Now, why the Christian religion, in its own book, already foresees another Revelation, while it is one itself? It is roughly saying "I am a religion, but another will follow that will destroy this one and mankind" !!

This confirms that the Christian religion was described as the first step towards Revelation, towards the truth because it was too early for humans to understand who their creator was. So, Christians created a religion that clearly provided for another to replace it. It is also not conceivable to say that the second Revelation would fit into the first since the second simply gives another definition of God and the origins of men. In fact, the Bible describes Revelation very well, as the Apocalypse. It describes the whole program, but she does not describe what this Revelation would contain, since she is not supposed to know about it!

This vision received by Mary was actually intended for me and I obviously did not understand it. The Elohim could not, therefore, attack the religions on the Ur plateau, since it was they themselves who created these religions and especially their lies, to hide their origins from Men. The Revelation could not, therefore, consist in killing the Pope and his guests, without explanation, without the true Revelation. So, what my collaborators and I were looking forward to did not happen because that was not the goal. I had to understand the symbolism of all this and therefore the real Revelation.

The three religions are lies, not created by men, but by the Elohim, to hide from Men.

In addition, the fact of having created these three religions allowed many other things, including to make them kill each other and to create rules that the populations will accept, whether they are to the liking of the Elohim or not. After all, these religious wars also made it possible to regulate the populations from the interior a little, while putting on the fault on the men.

Mary's vision was therefore well realized, since the message of Revelation finally reached me. It is therefore my responsibility to make it known, and once again, the first who read me will be the authorities. It remains to be seen when the departure of the Elect will now occur since two of these three components have been completed.

Why make this Revelation now?

It is imperative that the Elohim put an end to these lies that they created themselves. They must therefore at least reveal them, through me, which forms the Revelation. This should cause the downfall of all religions. It can cause planetary chaos. The Elohim must put an end to these lies because they must regain control over the Earth and over the Men who form the cancer of Earth. The Earth is in their eyes dying under the expansion of Men who abuse it and exploit it excessively. In addition, these 8 billion people who no longer respect anything and certainly not their planet, risk one day at another, to turn it into confetti. This is not a joke. Laboratory experiments on black holes, or on atom splits, could cause the Earth to volatilize. It would be the same for the heart of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant which would descend, according to the Elohim, into the depths of the Earth and which will end up, without their intervention, by causing the planet to volatilize.

The Elohim had initially felt that it was good for men to fend for themselves, and so they had eclipsed themselves by hiding behind false religions that would prevent Men from discovering the truth about their origins. This decision was also taken in Mesopotamia, where the Ur plain is one of the most famous places. It is, therefore, by this vision, on Ur's complaint, that the Elohim hoped that I would understand that they were going to take back possession of what belonged to them, and therefore also reveal the lies created at the beginning.

Revealing these lies is therefore equivalent to provoking a new Revelation, in the religious sense of the term, therefore the creation of a new truth, of a new religion, replacing, therefore, the first 3 Revelations and Religions, by only one. In this new religion, there would therefore be only one God, the Elohim, the true creators of humanity, which implies the destruction of the 3 other religions, as well as their believers.

What is going to happen now?

The Apocalypse, in the sense in which we know it, that is to say, the destruction of Humanity, over the space of a few months to a few years, to create the 6th human race, which will correspond better to the expectations of God, the Elohim.

Before that happens, tens or hundreds of thousands of Chosen Ones will be abducted from the earth, as depicted in the movie "Chaos" with Nicolas Cage. This is called the Rapture and of which my associates and I are a part. In addition, there will be those saved who, on earth, will manage to survive and who will be the basis for the rebuilding of the Kingdom of God.

One thing is certain, it is that since I understood all this and that I started to write this article, The signals of the Elohim is on high alert.



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