I have just discovered a very good movie about the end of the world, and oddly enough, it's still a Nicolas Cage. I was skeptical. Indeed, it is misjudged by those who have seen it, but it is most likely because they did not understand anything, like many of those who read me !! This is a film definitely inspired by the Elohim, God, to remind us of what the Bible says, about the end of the world, the Apocalypse.

While the action hadn't really started yet, my computer crashes, making a crazy noise. I informed Marie-Madeleine, as I often do, also as a reminder, telling myself as always, that I may understand later, the reason for this deafening crash.

I put 8 minutes to restart my computer and above all, all its applications on my 4 screens. I timed. The last thing to relaunch was the movie, and find where it left off. Once arrived at that second, more (+) a second, very precisely, the big sister (daughter of Nicolas Cage) joined her little brother in a shopping center, but this one, once in her arms, disappears leaving his clothes on the floor! Millions of human beings, especially children and adults believing in the end of the world as described in the Bible, have just disappeared from the earth, leaving everything they carried with them! This obviously creates "chaos", the name of the film in French because planes fall, driverless cars rush anywhere, etc.

I know there is a TV series about this kind of disappearance as well. What is important here is the immediate connection with the Bible. It is not implied. It's clearly explained at various points in the movie, which is not a sci-fi movie. The film is less about disasters, or Nicolas Cage's difficulties in piloting an airliner, short of fuel and whose passengers have disappeared, than on the biblical message of the end of the world. This is discussed throughout the film.

There are in this plane, passengers of different ideologies, including a Muslim, and exchanges take place. All seek to understand, and they understand, even if it is too late. Another exchange takes place between Nicolas Cage's daughter and the family pastor. The pastor tells her that they can teach the Faith, that they can believe in God, but not believe enough and that is the reason why he was not taken. This film is a lesson no one can ignore! (My throat tightens every time I read this sentence!)

Nicolas Cage had already made a first reference film, in terms of the end of the world, Predictions. So, here is a second one, to see and to believe absolutely, failing which, this film explains very clearly that you will not be saved.

As for the Elohim, God, they showed me that not only, they knew precisely the timing of the film, since they crashed my computer just before the disappearances, but also that they confirm above all, all the meaning of the movie! So, I urge you to watch this movie and if you have no way to see it, ask me for the link. You will not have any excuse for not seeing it.

I will even be much clearer. If you are not keen to see this movie and/or if you do not believe in this sort of thing, or what I am saying, I invite you to leave my pages because I could not do anything for you and God no more. If I knew of your disbelief, I would block you. I am starting to tire of talking to the deaf. There are no worse deaf people than those who don't want to hear, and as always, as you know, my lyrics come from God. So, it's up to you.

It was the Elohim who put this film in my hands today. I had obviously never seen him and will watch him again. Do the same!

The film ends with this image.

It means "but of this day (of the end of the world) and of this hour no one knows". Mark 13:32.

All I can tell you is that my mission and my life, and I am 59 years old, have only one goal, and that is to warn of the end of the world. This is my mission received from the Elohim, and I am not eternal. No one else has this mission and will not have this mission after me. Over the past few days, the Elohim have made me warn NASA and space professionals. This is a category of people I had never tried to contact before. You can imagine that this is not without reason.

And while I just sent the link to this article to my contributors, one of them is sending me one of my messages !!

And indeed, Marie-Madeleine had a vision, on November 28, 2020, this vision:

And so, this is the meaning of this 1332 seen in vision by Mary Magdalene!
This number is relative to the date of the end of the world.
Another huge sign, confirming that it is imminent because all the visions of Mary Magdalene have always taken place!

Finally, I remind you that I ABSOLUTELY need your financial support, however small, to continue to inform you. I am on the brink. I remind you of my Paypal. https://www.paypal.me/MarcDelantre


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