12 actions since January 15 and many deaths.

On January 15, I published an article titled "4 dead and 5 wounded in UN forces". In this article, I talk about the fact that according to an idea of ​​my collaborator, Rigel, a procedure would be underway for my exfiltration by an international force. It would also justify all actions against military or police forces at present. Shortly after this article went online, my Internet was cut. Immediately, I considered that my article did not conform to the expectations of the Elohim.

On January 16, a new military helicopter crashes in the Philippines (7 dead). Mechanical problem. I have been living in the Philippines since May 2015. When this crash occurred, my partner was going to our Internet provider to find out the reason for this outage.

On January 17th, my Internet is still cut, but I publish a new article "Earthquakes: the Elohim are very angry.". In this article, I come back to this possibility of exfiltration and to the three earthquakes related to me and hyper-signed on the Signal of the Elohim. However, this new version does not bring me back my Internet for all that, and I am more and more convinced that the Elohim, want me to change the way I communicate or reduce my communications. Yet, the situation that I describe in my articles is as follows:

This exfiltration procedure would be in progress, and to press it, the Elohim would provoke attacks against international forces, such as attacks against helicopters, the Barkhane force, the UN force, gendarmes in France etc., attacks to which are added significant earthquakes over the same period. It seems to say, as explained, in my article "Earthquakes: the Elohim are very angry." "We have the means to destroy you and in the meantime, we are attacking your troops." I am quite convinced of this interpretation, and the Elohim apparently show it unequivocally. Still, they seem to tell me that I shouldn't talk about it, which would be the first time.

On January 18, to the Internet cut, they added a 50-minute power cut. I am then in full discussion with my collaborator, Paul. We are trying to understand what the Elohim expect of me, since I am convinced that this Internet cut did not happen by chance.

On January 19, at around 11:00 p.m., the Main Signal of the Elohim went on near maximum alert, and I still have not recovered my Internet. See graph below.

On January 20, 11:20 am, I do a little post on Facebook, warning that the Main Signal of the Elohim is on alert, and that we are the day of Biden's investiture in the US. As I write this little post, I receive, from the Elohim, a long pinching in my heart, the purpose of which I do not understand.

2:32 p.m., a volcano, the Sakurajima, explodes in Japan.

3 p.m., a building explodes in Madrid, while the Elohim had drawn the shape of this building and the volcano on their Signal. Apparently, for Madrid, it would be a gas leak, but this has not been confirmed. In addition, this explosion reminds me of the one in rue de Trivoli in Paris on January 13, 2019, which was linked to the Elohim and which also caused the death of 4 people, the same number of deaths the explosion in Madrid. See graph below.

On January 21, 3:28 am, Paul informed me of another military helicopter crash in New York. This took place at around 12:30 a.m. CET. At that time, I had learned in the Philippines that my internet had had another outage, which did not exist on January 17th. In other words, there had been two successive failures to deprive me of the internet since January 15th. To me, this would mean that the Elohim did not want me to communicate what I could see and the list was long and far from over.

On January 21, 6:30 a.m., Marie-Madeleine connects to Messenger. I tell him about the different developments and finally, I tell him that the Elohim targets seem to confirm Rigel's idea of ​​a plan for my exfiltration by an international force, but on the other hand, the Elohim attacks my Internet and my electricity that could mean they ask me not to talk about it. It is against their habits. In general, I have to talk about everything I see.

We keep talking for a while, but the topic has changed. We are talking about Covid-19, its expansion, and the plans of the Elohim in this matter.

At 8:00 a.m., two successive attacks took place in Baghdad, 32 dead and dozens injured. The information does not yet show it. The strategy used is known to me and has been used in connection with me in Afghanistan.

At 8:30 am, I relate to Pierre my discussions with Paul and Mary Magdalene, concerning the apparent will of the Elohim that I do not publish everything I see. He replies that he does not know how to explain what the Elohim want. He finds that weird. He then receives a violent twinge of the heart. He screams, "It fucking hurts!" I told him straight away that for the Elohim he apparently should know. This is his second pinching since we found out he was a Chosen One.

He leaves his photo store for a moment to get some fresh air and recover from his emotions, and he comes back. His gaze is then directed by the Elohim to two photos in his photo store. One shows the eyes of a Muslim woman behind her headscarf. The other shows a Muslim, putting his hand flat over his eyes, to shield himself from the sun and look into the distance. At around 9 am, he sends me these two photos of his store and tells me that I need to see further. This is the message of the Elohim.

At around 10 a.m., the largest vaccine-producing laboratory in the world caught fire in India (5 dead).

Later in the day, I told Pierre that these photos are also related to the double attack in Baghdad which took place barely half an hour before our discussion, and before these photos of Muslims when this attack was not yet known.

At 1:23 p.m. CET, there is a 7.1 earthquake in Indonesia (8:23 p.m. local time). A DEW ray of the Elohim (extraterrestrials), is photographed when the earthquake occurred. DEW = "Direct Energy Weapon". As a reminder, man does not have this weapon and the energy released here represents 29.8 atomic bombs in one shot.

This weapon is used in all unnatural earthquakes, as well as in unnatural awakenings of volcanoes. It was also used to set fire to Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Photos demonstrate this, but also for the explosion in Beirut, or very recently the explosion in Nashville, facing the building resembling the famous monoliths. This weapon of the Elohim is also used for large fires, such as those in the Amazon, or in California, as well as for the creation of tornadoes, hurricanes, etc., in short, anything that needs a lot of energy. The advantage of this weapon is that in bright light, or on a white background, it is invisible.

Around 8 p.m., I talk to Paul who informs me that he is going back to Southeast Asia. The Elohim then create an immense peak on two of their signals. I immediately informed Paul that obviously, the Elohim did not want him to leave France, since they had arranged to bring him back. I add to Paul that the Elohim will not let him go.

Later, in the conversation, the Elohim take my sentence and add it again to our conversation, as if I had copied and pasted it myself, while I was just copying a link to it that did not have anything to do with it. I take a screenshot of my Messenger to Paul and this time he seems to have understood that the Elohim are adamant they will not let him go.

Stating to Paul that we are Knights of God, at the orders of the Elohim, I receive, just at the end of our discussion, marked by these two terrible signs of the Elohim, a very interesting video. Indeed, this video seems to be a very good overview of the mission of Knights sent by the Elohim. It is certainly no coincidence that I received this video at this time.

On January 22, 1:42 am, I am therefore posting the above mentioned post regarding the earthquake in Indonesia, with the DEW beam photo causing this earthquake, as well as my discussion with Paul. At this time a new ridge begins on the Signal of the Elohim. See graph below.

On January 22, 7:30 p.m., an earthquake of 3.4 occurred in Strasbourg, while the ridge ended the previous hour. This is exactly the same principle as the 3 earthquakes, marked by the 3 peaks of the previous week. The earthquake occurs at the end of the ridge, which then represents a fault, between two ridges, which is again the case here. In short, the Strasbourg earthquake was caused by the Elohim and 3 hours later, a new ridge began again.

On January 23, 12:25 am, my earthquake expert sent me two videos about a fire in Colombia. I don't pay attention to it.

At 22.25, an earthquake of 5.1 occurs in Colombia. Immediately, I make the link with these mailings, around midnight, the night before.

On January 24, 12:36 a.m., an earthquake of 7.1 occurred in the Arctic, at a depth of 10 km, which is the signature of the Elohim.

1:07 AM, another 5.8 earthquake occurs in Chile when my earthquake expert had just informed me, by intuition received from the Elohim, that a major earthquake was going to occur there.

These three earthquakes clearly mark, like the previous ones, the last current peak.

1:14 am, I notice that my server is slightly attacked (DDOS attack) = Too many connections from the same Internet address! I immediately block this IP address. Then I analyze because something worries me. The hacker or attacker replaced all my article view counters with the number 776 or 820. Theoretically, unless this hacker has my access codes to my server, it is impossible. I, therefore, check if the contents of my articles have been modified. I see nothing. No modification of my articles. Only the view counter, and we cannot change this value without knowing the name of this field...

I then check when this attack started, and realize that it started the minute I woke up on January 23 at 11:21 pm, or 2 minutes after I returned to my computer. 11:21 - 01:14, this also covers the two major earthquakes communicated to me by my earthquake expert. So, it is the Elohim, who send me a message with the numbers 776 and 820 because they are really the only ones who can do this kind of thing on an Internet server, and simultaneously with earthquakes. In summary, these numbers ask me to understand the message received and to trust the Elohim.

Paul being a night owl, I immediately informed him of this new extraordinary incident, which emphasizes a little more on the message sent by the Elohim. The problem is, we don't get clearly the message. You can see, like me, the number of operations in recent days is very large and still in line with the theory advanced by my colleague Rigel and explained above. Basically, that would mean "We have the means to reduce you to nothing, especially by earthquakes and viruses, and at the same time, we are attacking your troops. So please start quickly by protecting our Messenger, before we get angrier."

The Elohim, therefore, attack with force and leave many signs, but they would ask me to speak moderately about these signs. This is contrary to what I have done so far and collaborators and I are still figuring out why. 


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