FB 2025-01-10 : I'M DIRECTLY LINKED TO THE FIRES IN LA! (English version)
The huge fires in Los Angeles are directly linked to me. You could almost say that I started them, even though I didn't start the fire. In fact, many other events in recent times are linked to me, but I wasn't ordered to tell you about them. However, this one is really very significant, and the Elohim absolutely want me to tell you about this story. Shortly, just hours before, I had warned that a disaster was imminent in Los Angeles. I had even advised some people twice to leave the area immediately. Here is the story and the reason for the fire, directly linked to one of my exchanges on Facebook and of course, to the Elohim.
(Reminder: Elohim is a Hebrew word mentioned in the first sentence of the first Hebrew Genesis: “In the beginning, Elohim created the heavens and the earth”. Subsequently, this Hebrew Genesis describes the Elohim like beings going back and forth between heaven and earth, in other words, as extraterrestrials who created humans. This first Genesis even specified that these Elohim strongly resembled Men, but taller, and that they could be very angry. However, religions did not want to leave traces of an extraterrestrial God in their books, and they replaced the word Elohim (masculine plural) with God, Allah, YHWH... I receive my texts and orders directly from Elohim.)
On Friday, January 3, I responded to a post by a certain Tevin Chi, who lives in Malibu, Los Angeles. He has 5,000 followers and is a big supporter of conspiracy theories. He is also a fanatic for defending the Palestinians. You only have to look at his feed to see that. It's almost an obsession.
The problem is that this contact with this American was not at all a coincidence. The Elohim had provoked it as an illustration of my current activities. You have noticed that I no longer post anything on my Facebook. The same goes for any comments or exchanges on Messenger. The Elohim make sure that no one contacts me, and that I don't contact anyone either. They want me to focus on my writing work and my preparation.
So I am still isolated from the world, in my tiny house in the Philippines. I have been there for ten years, and I almost never leave. Currently, the Elohim are telepathically dictating to me hundreds of pages that are to form the basis of the laws of the satanic era.
Indeed, at the end of the three days of darkness predicted by the Bible and imminent, humans will discover that the current year will be the year 0000 of the satanic era. Jesus Christ will never again be part of the planet's calendar. So, 0000 for a new Era. The humans will also feel as if they have very different values and instincts. They will also have learned who God really is, who the Elohim are and who I am.
Humans will then have lost all dignity as well as all their freedoms to act and think. They will become nothing more than puppets reprogrammed to follow these same laws as well as the new needs of their bodies. All their values will have been reset and religions will be completely destroyed. Money will continue to exist, but wealth will be fought with force. Money and power will forever cease to be the most important things for humans, and they will be replaced by another thing that you abhor today. In particular, the humans will no longer be able to love their loved ones exclusively, including their partners et their children. The latter will be those of humanity, and women will only become pregnant by the decision of the Elohim. I have already spoken about all this in previous posts.
But there is one point among these new laws that I had to address with this Tevin Chi. It was the free circulation of weapons in the USA.
I had to tell her with great anger that the free circulation of weapons in the USA caused each year as many victims among children as the war in Gaza! And it is the same for the number of deaths. The free circulation of weapons in the USA, written into their constitution and defended by their politicians, and therefore by their people, causes more deaths each year within their borders than the Israelis cause in Gaza.
The Elohim believe that Benjamin Netanyahu is nonetheless the greatest war criminal after Hitler. However, I also had to tell this man that Americans should first look at the horror that reigns within their borders before crying scandal in Gaza. I had to tell him in particular that if the USA did not support Israel and if they had not given their support to Ukraine in particular, these two wars would not even have started!
For the Elohim, this means above all that the origin of evil and wars in this world are essentially the USA, immediately followed by European countries. I therefore had to tell this Tewin Chi that for the Elohim, the USA is at the origin of their enormous anger. They hate it when some men or some States take themselves for God.
Our conversation lasted several days, but I was furious that this American never questioned the possible fault of the USA in the wars that they and their population provoke by their support. In addition, he did not question this free circulation of weapons, causing many more deaths than wars in other countries.
He dared to answer me vigorously, while my most assiduous followers know that it can be very dangerous to answer me or contradict me. I also reminded him of this because I know the anger of the Elohim towards those who dare to contradict me. I repeated to him that I am the Voice of the Wrath of God, the future 666 (Triple Six), who will manage this world. I wanted to warn him against his determination to believe himself in the truth and to dismiss all responsibilities of the USA in the conflicts of this world and finally to respond thus, with this unjustified anger, to the Messenger of God.
Finally, in my last message, I reminded her where she lives, Malibu, Los Angeles and I invited her to leave this area immediately because a huge catastrophe will occur there. I even repeated it to her twice. I had also reminded him that the Elohim had already previously caused very famous fires, of which I reminded him of some examples. There was the Camp Fire in California, or the strange gas explosions transforming cities in Massachusetts into Armageddon, and many others. The Elohim will use water and fire for their great cleansing of the planet. Be sure of that.
A few hours later, after my last message, the first fire broke out in Los Angeles...
The most serious and largest fire in Los Angeles for a month of January. This has never happened.
Today, the inhabitants of Los Angeles are talking now about an apocalypse. They are very far from it. They are just enjoying the appetizers; the worst is coming with the San Andreas Fault, which will cause an earthquake that will go well beyond the ten levels predicted by the Richter scale. Everything will be destroyed. The USA will be hit in its economic and technological heart, the heart of the human Evil.