
Affichage des articles du février, 2021


6 CRASHES & MAJOR AERIAL INCIDENTS When the Targeted Individuals don’t believe me!! I’m mad at you Humans who don’t believe me. Some apparently have nuts instead of the brain. I spent my precious time on a group of "Targeted Individuals" and these people succeeded, by their reaction to provoke 6 major aerial incidents, including 3 crashes in 24 hours !! 5 of them in 5 hours only. I had warned them, but to warn a human is to warn a sandbank in the desert.  What are Targeted Individuals? There are tens of thousands of people around the world who are tortured by the Elohim, but who absolutely want to blame governments! What are these tortures? These are visions and voices in their brain, burns on their skin, marks, etc. Obviously, those who follow me know that my collaborators and I live this every day. However, there is a very big difference between them and us. They are tortured by these phenomena, while us, it is part of our communication with the Elohim, but the ...


6 CRASHS ET INCIDENTS AERIENS Quand des Targeted Individuals ne me croient pas !! NOUVEL UPDATE TERRIFIANT : En fin de document  Je suis furieux sur vous les Humains qui ne me croyez pas. Certains ont apparemment des noix à la place du cerveau. J’ai passé mon temps précieux sur un groupe de " Targeted Individuals" et tout ce que ces gens sont seulement parvenus à faire c’est d’envoyer, en 24 heures, 6 avions au tapis !! Je les avais pourtant prévenus, mais prévenir un humain, c’est prévenir un banc de sable dans le désert.    Que sont les Targeted Individuals ? Ce sont des dizaines de milliers de personnes à travers le monde, qui sont torturées par les Elohim, mais qui veulent absolument mettre cela sur le dos des gouvernements ! Que sont ces tortures ? Ce sont des visions et des voix dans leur cerveau, des brûlures sur leur peau, des marques, etc.  Évidemment, ceux qui me suivent savent que mes collaborateurs et moi vivons cela tous les jours...


WHO ARE ELOHIM? GOD! It's even in the first paragraph of Genesis! ATTENTION: This text below does not come from me. It was proposed to me yesterday, probably by the Elohim themselves. So, I took it back in part, although it was not my writing style. It is sometimes amusing and at least has the merit of giving clear references, to understand how the Church created a false god, and thus hid the truth from Men, and above all hid their true origins. I have also adapted a little this text which seems to date from a few decades, maybe the 60s. Most people read pretty much the same Bibles. There are 14 main French translations of the Bible for French speakers. It should be noted that the Bible, whose original writings are in Old Hebrew, was first translated into Greek from the Aramaic text, then into Latin from the Greek text, to be finally translated into French, and in the other modern languages, including English. [...] Most of the time, the Bibles have been copied, re-tran...


QUI SONT LES ELOHIM ? DIEU ! C’est même au premier paragraphe de la Genèse ! ATTENTION : Ce texte ci-dessous ne vient pas de moi. Il m’a été proposé hier, probablement par les Elohim eux-mêmes. Je l’ai donc repris en partie, malgré le fait que ce ne soit pas mon style d’écriture. Il est parfois amusant et a au moins le mérite de donner des références claires, pour comprendre comment l’Église a créé un faux Dieu, et ainsi caché la vérité aux Hommes, et surtout caché leurs véritables origines. J’ai aussi un peu adapté ce texte qui semble daté de quelques décennies, peut-être les années 60. La majorité des personnes lisent à peu près tous les mêmes Bibles. Il y a pour les francophones 14 principales traductions en français de la Bible. Il faut savoir que la Bible, dont les écrits originaux sont en ancien hébreu, a d’abord été traduite en grec à partir du texte en araméen, puis en latin à partir du texte grec, pour être traduite enfin en français, et dans les autres langues mode...


E-MAIL TO PARIS CATHEDRAL. No one can dispute My Word, that of God!! Here is the chronology of the earthquakes leading to my letter to Monsignor Aupetit of the Cathedral of Paris and to the earthquake of 7.0 in Japan January 21, 2021, earthquake of 7.0, in Indonesia So that day at 20:23 local time there was a tremendous 7.0 earthquake in Indonesia / border with the Philippines where I live. (Tech source:  here ) This is the white ray, pictured in the banner above. This earthquake was the subject of a post in English and French, on Facebook here. January 27, Encounter of the Fifth Kind I find out about the Fifth Kind encounters through the video of an American doctor. He himself came up with this name. It is about invoking aliens in groups through meditation, and they sometimes show themselves to these people. This is easily explained. The Elohim, God, are extraterrestrials who designed the men, and therefore they have access to their heads, to their minds, as is the...